More ramblings from an idiot...
(too old to reply)
2008-07-01 14:56:40 UTC
Surprisingly I am not talking about myself here... but rather THE
idiot, Mr. Jim Hill.

Aside from once again not knowing his facts (he is somehow trying to
spin the GIANT opening of Wall-E as a disappointment, something that
is just FLAT WRONG) did anybody catch his embarrassing yet deeply
buried retraction on his idiotic "Night Kingdom" story?

You may recall that some time ago he "broke" this big story about how
Disney was planning a fifth theme park, something to battle Discovery
Cove with. This niche park was supposedly going to be open only at
night and have guests spending $300 admission fees to zip line over
hippo pools (don't ask). Now I think that ANYONE, I mean ANYONE could
tell you that this was not a realistic idea for about 1000 reasons
ranging from just not being fun to all sorts of liability issues not
to mention the fact that if you keep your guests up all night they
will then sleep all day when you want them out spending money.

Anyway... Jim Hill being wrong about information is certainly nothing
new, in fact it is the absolute norm. It certainly seems like the
only time he gets things right is by sheer luck, I think his "hit"
percentage is considerably below random luck in guessing things.
However what makes this so funny is just how adamant he was that this
WAS going to happen when he first wrote about it. I mean this guy
just insisted up and down that his "inside" information was ROCK
SOLID. This makes it all the more ammusing when yesterday he just
sort of slips past it and says somehting along the lines of "Disney
has reconsidered the idea of Night Kingdom..."

Can someone please stop this guy before he hurts himself because he is
truly looking more like a fool as every day clicks buy.

A word of advice for you Jim... You are a Disney fan, that is an OK
thing to be. Look in the mirror and accept it, you are not some sort
of insider nor do you have to be to write a Disney fan blog... write
your blog from a fan's point of view, or even a historians point of
view and leave the "insider" rumor mongering to those who may
actually, you know, KNOW something.
2008-07-04 15:14:09 UTC
That is hilarious!

I do not read Jim Hill's "super secret insider blog" because why
should I waste time reading made up things about Disney? I can do
that on my own. But I do enjoy hearing of his latest (and
increasingly super-sized) misreportings. The Night Kingdom idea
sounded like one of the worst things ever conceived for a Fifth Gate,
even as a boutique park. I'm glad to hear it was probably just one of
the billion ideas that was rejected, somehow ended up in JH's hands,
and published on the internet.

JH must have some pathetic need to be viewed as the prognosticator of
all things Disney. He accepts nothing less than being above all the
other fans. He's like Penelope on SNL.

Still waiting for that Project Gemini Future World Jungle thing that
he told us about...

